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A quiz-competition was organized by the Haryana Police

As per the instructions of the Government of India, a quiz-competition was organized by the Haryana Police on October 13, 2023 in the conference room of the local Mukand Lal National College, Yamunanagar to make all the schools and colleges of Haryana aware of the traffic rules regarding road safety. In which all the students of the college participated. Dr. Mohinder Singh and Dr. Mamta Oberoi were the coordinators of this program. Dr. Manohar Goyal (Department of Commerce) and Dr. Rachna Agarwal (Department of Mathematics) played an important role in organizing this program. The result of this competition was as follows: The team of Yograj, Nitin and Vaibhav (B.Sc. 2nd year) got the first position, the team of Jasneet, Aditi and Cheshta (B.Com. 2nd year) got the second position and Sakshi, Tanya and Mehak (M.Sc. Chemistry, 1st year) got the second position. The team got third place. 456 teams participated in this competition. Executive Principal of the college, Dr. Ritu Kumar, congratulated the organizers for successfully organizing the program and appreciated the efforts of the winning participants.